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Telecom Operator – Global Trainee Onboarding Programme – Case Study

Understanding the business and the corporate culture in a challenging and engaging way.

Client Brief

A leading European Telecom Operator wanted to help their global Management Trainees understand the business and culture, in a challenging and engaging way. Embedding the culture was part of the Corporate Onboarding Programme at the head office.


We designed a really interactive and engaging Onboarding Programme with a Culture First perspective, consisting of four main parts.

1. Get to know Each other – A good starting point was for the trainees to get to know each other better. We created a fun, web based quiz and survey, to educate and let the trainees ask questions about themselves.

2. Get to know the Company – The trainees played the Onboarding Game, with a strong focus on the company culture. Case studies and dilemmas set the scene for lively discussions.

3. Get to know the Competition – What better way to understand the competition than to get out of the office and meet them face to face? To facilitate this, we created a tablet based Treasure Trail, where teams visited competing telecom operator’s high street stores. At the stores they solved customer centric challenges and interacted with real customers.

4. Get to know the city where you work – To get a feel for their new city, the trainees were challenged to visit up to 10 famous landmarks and solve missions under time pressure.


“We are very happy to have achieved our objectives with this setup. The trainees were filled of enthusiasm and a greater understanding of our company and our culture. The onboarding day setup will be a part of our onboarding process going forward.”

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