Game-based Learning
sports car manufacturer diversity & inclusion 3

Leading Sports Car Manufacturer

Varmt välkomna att ta del av de case och lärdomar som vi har samlat på oss under åren! Vi hoppas här kunna bidra med en del inspiration.

Diversity & Inclusion Escape Room Game

An iconic European sports car manufacturer sought to transform its D&I training, creating a digital peer-to-peer learning experience for small groups. The game would be incorporated into onboarding events for new starters right across the international business, delivering the company’s D&I strategy in a more engaging and interactive way.

Based on our Virtual Escape Room format, we designed a customised team-based game experience that incorporated the client’s content into into the narrative. The game included branded audio and video missions and was translated to open up the challenge to international teams, with a global leaderboard stimulating competition.

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