Game-based Learning


Varmt välkomna att ta del av de case och lärdomar som vi har samlat på oss under åren! Vi hoppas här kunna bidra med en del inspiration.

Placing Core Values in focus

How do you get 250 IT managers from all over Scandinavia engaged in reflecting about their own roles in your organisation? You involve them in questions and have them reformulate and change company leadership criteria.

At a management meeting we ran a series of interactive exercises and workshops. The participants used their own their smartphones to answer a number of challenging questions during a presentation. The data that came in was accessible live and was used by the conference organisers for further discussion in the preceding session. This methodology was then repeated throughout the meeting, but on different themes.

– Strong focus on group exercises
– Mobility throughout the facility; rooms were assigned different themes
– Guided brainstorming

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